Results for «Swiss washing machine»

Mafia, Cocaine and White Collar Workers

24m 53s

There is the cocaine, tonnes of cocaine, one of the richest and most important Ndrangheta bosses in Europe and the so-called Swiss washing machine. This report traces the flow of dirty money from dealers in South America and offers a disconcerting window into the lives of Ticino’s “white collar workers”.

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Mafia, Cocaine and White Collar Workers

24m 53s

There is the cocaine, tonnes of cocaine, one of the richest and most important Ndrangheta bosses in Europe and the so-called Swiss washing machine. This report traces the flow of dirty money from dealers in South America and offers a disconcerting window into the lives of Ticino’s “white collar workers”.

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Dance and Mystery

44m 33s

“Dance and Mystery” by the Swiss choreographer Tiziana Arnaboldi is a homage to Charlotte Bara (1901 – 1986). This legendary Gothic dancer who was born in Belgium and lived in Ascona, bequeathed a rich body of work. Her essential movements and stance, depicted in some 30 photos, are revived in a contemporary choreography which in 2018 was awarded the Swiss Dance as Cultural Heritage Award.

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Yvan Bourgnon - 70'

1h 09m

In 2015, the Swiss skipper Yvan Bourgnon - a regular offshore racer and winner of the Transat Jacques Vabre in 1997 alongside his brother Laurent - completed the first around the world solo voyage in a cabin-less catamaran the size of a beach yacht, "Ma Louloutte". 220 days and 55,000 km at sea, with no protection from the elements. To find his way across the world’s oceans, he decided to navigate the old way, using a sextant.

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Horizontal Snow

27m 28s

Adventures and explorations in Himalaya and Canadian Great North. A documentary series drove by Jean Troillet, the Swiss mountain guide and veteran climber who made the achievement to climb 10 peaks over 8000 metres without oxygen.

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Techno Sapiens - The Future of the Human Species

51m 36s

The boundaries between man and machine, between technology and nature, are becoming increasingly blurred and might even disappear completely in the future. Information technology, genetic engineering and nanotechnology are not only making considerable inroads into society, but also more and more directly into human nature. The day when Homo sapiens is able to consciously design and radically change himself is not far away.

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Techno Sapiens - The Future of the Human Species

51m 36s

The boundaries between man and machine, between technology and nature, are becoming increasingly blurred and might even disappear completely in the future. Information technology, genetic engineering and nanotechnology are not only making considerable inroads into society, but also more and more directly into human nature. The day when Homo sapiens is able to consciously design and radically change himself is not far away.

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At the Heart of Robots

1h 06m

The distance between mankind and machines has never been so narrow. We and they are so close in fact that doubts are being cast as to what it is to be human. Mankind's future is being played out now. What if robots could make us immortal?

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The Earth's Furies: Volcanic Explosions

52m 22s

Iceland, Indonesia, South America, the Reunion Island... The threat of volcanic eruptions never ceases to hound those who have chosen to live at the feet of volcanos on continents the world over. This threat requires humans to continually come up with new ways to both foresee the danger to come and to tame the violence of volcanoes; a violence that is indispensable to life on Earth. What do these volcanoes reveal about the way the Earth works?

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The Earth's Furies: Volcanic Explosions

52m 22s

Iceland, Indonesia, South America, the Reunion Island... The threat of volcanic eruptions never ceases to hound those who have chosen to live at the feet of volcanos on continents the world over. This threat requires humans to continually come up with new ways to both foresee the danger to come and to tame the violence of volcanoes; a violence that is indispensable to life on Earth. What do these volcanoes reveal about the way the Earth works?

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The Age of Robots - Entertainment Robots

54m 13s

In the future will we spend our leisure time with smart and sophisticated machines designed for fun - Entertainment Robots? Marvel at Mantis, a two ton insect and Tradinno, a giant fire-spitting dragon. Then take a seat and watch a mechanical actor and a robotic pianist perform.

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The Age of Robots - Robot Explorers

52m 48s

Inhospitable environments that would normally be unreachable become accessible thanks to a new class of robot - Robot Explorers. Robots can help us in difficult tasks like search and rescue operations. Is there any danger in letting machines handle so many tasks that used to belong to us?

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